Al Joumhouria” News Summary”
Al Joumhouria” News Summary”
Friday, 31-May-2024 22:55

Israel has continued its assaults on southern Lebanese towns, leading to the death of a paramedic and injury of another in an airstrike on a vehicle in Naqoura. Additionally, a drone targeted a motorcycle in Yaroun, resulting in injuries.


Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah, during a commemorative speech for Sheikh Ali Kourani at the Imam Al-Mujtaba complex in the southern suburb, emphasized that this battle concerns Lebanon's future, wealth, and sovereignty. He stated that internal conflicts and external interventions, not the battle in the south and Gaza, have disrupted the presidential elections in Lebanon. He questioned if there is any path other than dialogue and consultation to reach a solution.


Regionally, on the 238th day of the war on Gaza, the Ministry of Health announced the death of 60 people and the injury of 280 in the past 24 hours, due to five massacres committed by the Israeli army against families in the sector.


Hamas Political Bureau Chief Ismail Haniyeh, speaking at the 33rd Arab National Congress in Beirut under the title "Al-Aqsa Flood Session," declared that Israel has failed to achieve its goals in Gaza due to the resistance and the resilience of the people. He confirmed that Hamas informed mediators of its firm stance and its refusal to compromise on its demands.


The United Nations stated that the humanitarian aid allowed into Gaza is not reaching the population, accusing Israeli authorities of failing to fulfill their legal obligations.


Joint US-UK airstrikes on Houthi sites in Yemen resulted in several casualties.


China and Bahrain reached an agreement to establish a comprehensive strategic partnership, enhancing friendly cooperation in all fields.


The Jordanian Royal Court announced that Jordan will host an emergency international conference on humanitarian response in Gaza on June 11, with participation from Egypt and the United Nations.


The UN Security Council, at Iraq's request, decided to withdraw the UN mission from Iraq, present for over 20 years, by the end of 2025.


Internationally, following his indictment on 34 criminal charges in New York, former US President Donald Trump stated that his trial is "extremely unfair."


US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said that the US is working to strengthen NATO's deterrence capabilities and its military industries.


The European Union imposed sanctions on individuals and institutions from Iran and North Korea, alleging they were aiding Russia in its conflict with Ukraine.


In France, authorities arrested a suspect planning a terrorist attack during a football match that was part of the Olympic Games in Saint-Étienne.


A man armed with a knife attacked a far-right demonstration in Mannheim, Germany, stabbing three people, including a police officer who was trying to apprehend him.


Ghent University in Belgium announced it has cut ties with all Israeli universities and research institutions, citing non-alignment with its human rights policies.


Russia, with UAE mediation, retrieved 75 soldiers from Ukrainian captivity.


Economically, for the first time since 1989, South Korea announced that last year saw no cross-border trade with North Korea, and humanitarian aid from Seoul to Pyongyang reached an all-time low.
