Al Joumhouria” News Summary”
Al Joumhouria” News Summary”
Wednesday, 10-Jan-2024 22:33

Israel continued its assaults on southern Lebanon, targeting Mount Balaat, Hamamsa Hill in Srifa, and Bab Thneiah in Khiam, as well as Kafr Kila, Deir Mimas, and Al-Awaida - Adaisseh. Israeli forces also deployed illuminating bombs in the western sector's airspace, targeting Dahiyir and Yarin in conjunction with a sweep campaign from the Jardah site. Additionally, Israeli forces used artillery shells to target the outskirts of the town of Tyreharfa.


Citizen Hassan Ali Taweel lost his life due to the fall of an Israeli artillery shell near his house in Kafr Kila. Furthermore, one person was killed, and another was injured in an Israeli strike targeting a house in the town of Kfar Shuba.


Hezbollah targeted the "Al-Merj" site with appropriate weapons and the "Al-Jardah" point with rocket weapons.


The party also urged residents of the front villages "not to respond to Israeli contacts inquiring about certain individuals and their whereabouts."


The Lebanese Army Command - Directorate of Orientation warned citizens of the danger of approaching thermal balloons intentionally launched by the Israeli enemy, some of which fall near residential areas and between houses without exploding, posing a threat due to their content of explosive and incendiary materials.


Prime Minister Najib Mikati met with German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock, discussing bilateral relations between the two countries and the situation in Gaza and southern Lebanon. During the meeting, the Prime Minister emphasized the keenness to have the best relations with Germany, thanking Germany for its support to Lebanon on all levels. He stressed that Lebanon respects all international decisions, starting with the ceasefire agreement, with the aim of achieving permanent stability in southern Lebanon. He called for support to the army to enable it to carry out its tasks.


Lebanon decided to file a new complaint with the United Nations in response to Israel's recent complaint about Lebanon's non-compliance with UN Security Council Resolution 1701.


Regionally, the war on the Gaza Strip entered its 96th day, with Israeli shelling continuing in the northern and southern areas of the sector amid worsening humanitarian and health crises and escalating tension in the West Bank.


Several Palestinians, including a journalist and four Red Crescent crews, were killed in an Israeli airstrike targeting a house and an ambulance near Shuhada Al-Aqsa Hospital in Deir Al-Balah, central Gaza.


The Palestinian Ministry of Health in Gaza announced an increase in the death toll from Israeli shelling to 23,357, with 59,410 injured since October 7th.


Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas received U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken in Ramallah, coinciding with a massive march denouncing this visit. Abbas discussed with Blinken the latest developments in the Palestinian territories, efforts to stop Israeli aggression in Gaza and the West Bank, including Jerusalem. They emphasized the urgency of delivering humanitarian aid to Gaza, enabling shelters and hospitals to fulfill their roles in alleviating citizens' suffering.


Israeli forces arrested 26 Palestinians in various areas of the West Bank since yesterday evening, bringing the total number of detainees in the West Bank since October 7th to 5,780, according to the Palestinian Prisoners Club.


The Israeli army spokesperson, Avichay Adraee, claimed the raid on the house of Hamas leader Marwan Issa in Gaza.


The Israeli Supreme Court banned Minister of Public Security Itamar Ben-Gvir from giving orders to the police on how to handle protests and use force to disperse demonstrations.


Deputy Chief of Dubai Police, Dhahi Khalfan, wrote on "X": "Everyone should reconsider dealing with Israel... Israel has proven its demonic intentions... Arabs want peace, and it wants war... Therefore, the goals of the two sides will not meet."


Jordan's King Abdullah II, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas stressed the need to continue exerting pressure to stop Israeli aggression on Gaza and protect innocent civilians in their summit held in Aqaba. They opposed any Israeli plans to displace Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza, emphasizing the importance of international condemnation and action.


According to Al Mayadeen channel, U.S. military personnel were subjected to a missile attack in the "Koniko" gas field area in Syria's Deir ez-Zor province. Information about the results of the attack is not available.


The Islamic Resistance in Iraq attacked a U.S. base near Erbil Airport in northern Iraq using drones. "Politico" reported a telegram from the U.S. State Department mentioning that Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani and other officials informed Washington of their desire to keep U.S. forces in the country.


Houthi movement in Yemen claimed targeting a U.S. ship that was providing support to Israel with a large number of ballistic, naval, and drones missiles.


Internationally, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken accused Iran of assisting and inciting Houthi rebels to target ships in the Red Sea, suspected of being linked to or headed to Israel, in support of Gaza. Blinken stated that Iran has a real impact by providing technology, equipment, intelligence, and information, thus playing a tangible role in these attacks.


The spokesperson for the German government, Steffen Seibert, stated that Germany does not see any readiness yet to start peace talks between Russia and Ukraine, affirming that Kyiv should decide when negotiations commence.


Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban suggested that the European Commission is preparing an alternative plan to provide aid to Ukraine outside the European Union's budget.


The British Ministry of Defense published a picture of the destroyer HMS Diamond, noting that it, along with U.S. warships, successfully repelled the largest attack by the Houthis in the Red Sea so far.


The Kremlin's spokesperson, Dmitry Peskov, mentioned that Moscow sees no progress in the peace process regarding Ukraine; hence, Russian forces continue their special military operation.
