Al Joumhouria” News Summary”
Sunday, 25-Aug-2024 23:01

While attention was focused on Cairo, where ceasefire negotiations in Gaza were underway, Hezbollah seized the spotlight by responding to the assassination of its leader, Fouad Chekry, igniting tensions and prompting communications to mitigate the impact and repercussions of the event in the region.

At the same time, while Israel remained tight-lipped about the damage caused by Hezbollah’s strike, claiming to have delivered a preemptive blow in Lebanon, Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah dismissed the Israeli claims and affirmed the precise targeting of the military objectives.

Amid the prevailing tension, former Prime Minister Selim Hoss closed the final chapter of his life, leaving Lebanon, which declared three days of mourning for him at a time of heightened sensitivity and severity.

In light of these fiery events and developments, Patriarch Bechara Boutros Rai, in his sermon today, remarked that there is something more dangerous than armed conflict, stating: "Reconciliation is necessary; it ends the war of personal interests, which is more dangerous than armed conflict."

For his part, Metropolitan Elias Audi of Beirut for the Greek Orthodox Church said, "What protects Lebanon is the unity of its people around the idea of a strong and just state."

Regarding the "morning operation" by Hezbollah, the EU Commissioner for Foreign Affairs expressed support for the Lebanese caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati’s call for the immediate implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1701.

The Israeli Defense Minister confirmed that "the war with Hezbollah will come in the distant future, not now."

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad indicated that "the current situation is globally strained, and Syria is a key battleground in the West's conflicts."

U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump also weighed in, stating via "Thread": "Let us not witness a third world war because that is the direction things are heading."

In the latest on the Gaza negotiations, amidst rockets and combat operations, the Israeli delegation participating in the negotiations arrived in Cairo to continue discussions.

Commenting on the new round of negotiations, the Middle East Peace Coordinator noted that "the Cairo talks are crucial, and we need a ceasefire and the immediate release of all hostages now."

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