Sunday, 18-Apr-2021 20:13

Iran Enriching Uranium to 60%

The International Atomic Energy Agency confirmed on Sunday that Iran has started the process of enriching uranium to 60% purity at its Natanz nuclear facility. The step has complicated talks aimed at reviving Iran's nuclear deal.


Saudi, Iran Relations

In an effort to repair relations between the two countries, senior Saudi and Iranian officials have held direct talks. As reported by the Financial Times, The first round of talks took place in Baghdad on April 9. Although, a senior Saudi official denied any talks with Iran.


Warships to Sail For Black Sea

Amid rising tensions between Ukraine and Russia, British warships will sail for the Black Sea in May. According to the Sunday Times, the deployment is aimed at showing solidarity with Ukraine and Britain's NATO allies.


Navalny's Life at Risk

A doctor of the imprisoned Russian opposition leader Alexey Navalny, who is in the third week of a hunger strike, has said his health is worsening and the Kremlin critic could die at any moment. His personal physicians have not been allowed to see him in prison.


China, US on Climate Change

In a joint statement on Sunday, China and the United States said they agree that stronger commitments to fight climate change should be introduced before a new round of international talks. The statement came after a meeting between Chinese and US climate envoys in Shanghai.

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